Our library allows the child to get their own card. At our library the kids cards don’t incur late fees so this is an extra benefit. We checkout books and DVDs on a regular basis and that way we never grow tired of reading or watching the same things over and over. Of course we still buy books to add to our personal library and have our favorite stories but it’s nice to keep things fresh.
Nick (my husband) and I are recyclers and want to instill that in our children. In general I was raised in a “waste not, want not” type of home so it carries over into how I run my household. Some examples are: I use cloth napkins. We can wash them and they make a set table look pretty. I still use paper towels for things but also using cloth helps me cut down on how many rolls we go through. We never buy water bottles unless we are having a party with a lot of guests. I can sew, so I mend things that are mendable. We eat our leftovers. The last example sounds silly but I know a lot of people who don’t like leftovers. Which I understand but with a little creativity you can actually change the leftovers enough that they seem like a new dish.
ATWS: What are your favorite free (or cheap) activities to do with kids?
Shayla: My favorite activities are nature based. We love to go to parks, go on walks, and to go camping. We’ll go on nature walks and then we’ll use our discoveries to make crafts. This is one of my all-time favorite things to do. I also love to utilize the free and cheap activities that the cities we have lived in offer.
ATWS: Do you use coupons? Do you have any tips about how to use them, and where to find them?
Shayla: I do use coupons. I don’t use them on every shopping trip but on occasion I will see great coupons and I will include those items in my grocery list. For example, last week Target had $1 off fresh vegetable and $1 off fresh fruit, they also happened to have bagged organic baby carrots marked down from $2 to $1 so with my coupon I was able to get them free. The same thing happened with organic bananas on that same trip. I got 2 pounds for free. I also check the coupons that Target gives out along with the receipt. They often have great coupons that when paired with coupons from the mail coupons can end up getting me free Starbucks. That is my favorite coupon of all! I mostly save by checking the flyers the grocery stores send out. The grocery store I go to the most has a lot of in store sales that I take advantage of. We are lucky to have some great local produce open air markets that I shop at as well. They are locally grown fruits and vegetables and other products that are more cost effective since they are not being shipped as far. Nick and I also like to use Groupon for dinners out, entertainment tickets and other non-grocery items.
ATWS: What’s the biggest challenge with being thrifty and having kids?
Shayla: I guess the biggest challenge is wanting to give our kids every opportunity in life. For us that ends up being programs that I feel are particularly important but cost money. Music class, art programs, gymnastics and other similar programs. We know we want them though so it just becomes part of our budget.
What are your top tips for saving around the house and living inexpensively with kids?
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